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Fentanyl Education and Prevention Resources

SUPE: Substance Use Prevention Education Resources 

SUPE: Substance Use Prevention Education is a non-profit organization providing education and resources (in English and Spanish) to prevent substance use. The following resources were created to help educate parents/guardians about Fentanyl:

CDC Resources

Facts about Fentanyl: English  |  Spanish  |  Chinese

San Mateo County Resources

Fentanyl Awareness and Signs and Symptoms of an Opioid Overdose

Naloxone Rescue Kits for Opioid Overdose

SMUHSD Webinars

February 2023: Mills Wellness Team Talk about Substance Use and Dangers of Fentanyl  

November 2022: Educación para la prevención del fentanilo: Ayudar a los adolescentes a tomar decisiones saludables

April 2022: Smoking on Snapchat? Talking About Vapes, E-Cigs, and Tobacco with Teens